Thursday, March 18, 2010

Green Prize Winners - Feb'10

The Winners of Feb'10 Green Prize are:-
Manchester - Lot 1594
Harvard & Yale - Lot 1548 (from Yale)
Tsinghua - Lot 1290
Oxford - Lot 1213

Congratulations to all the residents who reside in the above houses. Please collect your prizes from our respective offices.

Each winner is entitled to RMXX  food and beverage voucher with our corporate partner, Grand Kampar Hotel Sdn Bhd.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Green Prize Feb'10 - tick tock tick tock

Our Oxford office has kindly given me a glimpse of our February 2010 charges for Tsinghua and Oxford! Well, I can't disclose the Green Prize winner yet but this is what I know - it is going to be a close call!

For your information, a total of 25 units of Oxford houses and 10 units of Tsinghua houses have NIL extra electricity charges in Feb'10. Our residents staying in these houses would know that for the month of Feb'10, they don't have to pay anything for electricity charges! This is good news indeed both from money and environment point of view! Does that mean that we are getting greener? We certainly hope so!

As Manchester office is in the midst of finalising our winners for Manchester and Yale/Harvard, I will be posting the winners on this blogspot soon or you could keep a lookout at our respective offices. The winners will also be notified via SMS.

Meantime, I would like to congratulate all of you for playing a role in saving electricity and contributing to a greener environment! Keep up the good work!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Basketball Competition 10 Apr'10!

Please register at our customer service counters located at our Manchester and Oxford offices.
Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Enjoy Smart Card at Beijing & Oxford

As a pilot project, we are implementing smart card door access for our Oxford and Beijing tenants. “What is a smart card?” you might ask. Well, this smart card system comprises of the following feature:-

• Touch & go at the main door access of your house unit;

• The smart card reader has a memory that stores up to 2,500 records of users who had gained prior access to each main door, thus providing additional safety measures to the residents;

• In future, the same smart allows the user to “touch & go” at our guard houses, pay rentals and make other payments.

To test the practicality of this system, we will commence installation at Oxford and Beijing at no extra costs to our residents. For residents who stay in Manchester, Tsinghua, Yale and Harvard, please be patient as we will need some time to collate feedback from users to ascertain that this will be a permanent feature at Danish House.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stay in Oxford or Beijing to drink McD's water!

As part of our effort to improve residents' comfort at Danish House, together with our landlords, we are now offering our Oxford and Beijing residents an internationally renowned water filter, Everpure, in their respective house unit. Everpure is manufactured in the US and has gained worldwide recognition via their high profile customers such as Burger King, Kentucky, Starbucks and McDonald's.

Now, not only do you get to drink free flow and high quality "McD's" water but save time and money on boiling water or procuring drinking water! All of these at no extra cost to you! Now, you can sit back and enjoy the extra time saved!

Click here for:
A Few Of Everpure's Customers

(Note: the installation of water filters will commence in March 2010, please refer to our notices at our Oxford office)

You Are Now A Part of This!

Finally, we have unveiled our banner to inform all of our residents these 3 services that are on offered:-

Shuttle Van Service
Increased van service for those who want to drop by at the old town to grab a bite or indulge in buying some stuff.

As we are all aware, there is now a new internet service provided in town, P1! Despite many many many complains from us to telekom, their services are still below our expectations. Therefore, we have applied for some extra P1 for residents whose line has permanent problems - this is on first come first serve only.

In addition, you can now make use of our Wifi at our Manchester office. To get the password, please see our IT personnel at Manchester Office

Green Prize Contest
This will be exciting as February has just ended! Very soon, we will be annoucing the winners for the Green Prize! The lowest electricity consumption unit will be selected from Tsinghua, Oxford, Manchester and Yale/Harvard, a total of 4 houses will be picked. Please keep a look might be the WINNER.